Event details

Blue-Cloud webinar: Marine Environmental Indicators

A new webinar of the European project Blue-Cloud, applied to one of the 5 pilot demonstrators "Marine Environmental Indicators: Providing multi-source datasets to researchers and policymakers" will take place on December 04, 2020, at 11am.

The purpose of this webinar is to present the demonstrator of the following marine environmental indicators: marine environment (Chl-a trends),oceanography (wave, currents, temperature, salinity, primary production, etc.), meteorology (wind and atmospheric variables), and acidification (inorganic carbon indicators).
This demonstrator will develop an online service, bringing together into the same framework the data, the computational resources, and the cloud-based technology, in order to support European and international stakeholders within the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, and for exploiting the Blue Economy. 

11:00 - Introduction, Blue-Cloud Vision and Mission - Francesca Spagnoli, Trust-IT Services
11:05 - Demonstrator prototype and initial marine indicators - Massimiliano Drudi, CMCC Foundation
11:15 - The ocean patterns indicator - Andrea Garcia Juan, IFREMER
11:25 - Storm Severity Index (SSI) - Jan Willem Noteboom, KNMI
11:35 - Benefits and needs of a marine carbon indicator - Benjamin Pfeil, University of Bergen
11:45 - Q&A